Spring 2022 Newsletter

Conventions Psychiatry & Counseling’s staff and providers have been working hard to improve and develop new services for our patients and the community. Your feedback on our patient satisfaction survey has helped us to identify and implement some exciting new changes! We have streamlined our intake process for new patients and have made our website more user-friendly and informative. We have started free support groups and are adding to our group of therapists so our patients have more options and quicker access to the care they need. We continue to be grateful to you for trusting us with your care, and it’s because of you that we can offer more. 

Mindful Moment: Spring Time

Spring offers so many opportunities for a pleasant, mindful experience. Mindfulness requires nothing but your attention. Choose to shift your focus from the thoughts in your head to the external environment. Engage your senses and experience your moment through them. Do you notice with your sense of vision the bits of green in nature appearing after the long winter? Can you tune in and hear birds chirping? Can you engage your sense of smell and notice the freshness of the air or smell of a spring time rain shower? 

Pause and be intentionally present in each of these small moments.

Depression Treatment & Beyond

Our mental health providers in Warrenville, IL, have a variety of treatments to help you or a loved one cope and manage depression. 


If you’re like so many who suffer from depression, you have tried multiple medications or therapies searching for relief. It can be an exhausting cycle of trial and error that feels never ending. There’s a new possibility for the treatment of depression that is medicine-free, FDA-approved, non-invasive, and covered by insurance!

If you feel this treatment may be beneficial for you or a loved one and would like to learn more, ask your current Conventions mental health provider or call Rhonda at 630.642.1801 for more information.

News & Announcements from Our Partners

Conventions Research LTD.

Logo of Convention research ltd

Researchers at AMR Conventions Research conduct clinical trials to determine whether or not a drug is effective, tolerable, and safe in treating a particular psychiatric condition like, Major Depressive Disorder, ADHD, PTSD, and Borderline Personality Disorder. An independent board of medical and non-medical professionals carefully review all aspects of clinical trials to ensure patient safety is the highest priority. Participation is always voluntary and a subject can withdraw at any time for any reason. No cost to participate, No insurance required. Compensations for time/travel will be provided. 

A Look into: Exercise for Better Mental Health

We know that a lack of physical activity can increase our risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. But recent studies have also shown a correlation between physical activity and depression. Current theories suggest that depression could lead to sleep problems and a decrease in physical activity. While this may be true, according to the National Institutes of Health, the reverse appears to be true as well. In one study, participants’ sleep and activity level were monitored for a two-week period. The results showed that physical activity affected the participants’ mood afterward. They also found that physical activity positively affected how energetic participants felt and how long they slept. Increasing physical activity doesn’t require a gym membership. Simply go for a hike or a run, or incorporate yoga stretches into your daily routine. And be sure to check out our Moving Through It event this summer!

While physical activity plays an important part in managing mental health, it should be added to the professional treatment you receive, not take the place of it. Always consult your treatment team before making any significant changes to medication or therapy. 

Download a copy of our newsletter here.

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